Return and Shipping Policy
Buy Schaeffer Oil Because It's Wise
Our Customer Safe Returns Policy
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund, minus the outgoing freight charges we paid, and a 25% restocking fee.
If you need to return an item, please call our customer service line at 360.336.2319 or send an email to Please include your order number and the reason for the return. Return shipping addresses can vary, so please contact us for this.
You may cancel an order for a full refund if it has not yet shipped. If it has shipped but not yet delivered, we will attempt to contact the shipper to have the order returned to the warehouse. We will refund your order amount less the outgoing and return shipping cost and a 25% restocking fee. If the order has been delivered, it falls under the return policy.
Our Customer Safe Shipping Policy
You are responsible to provide a physical address for shipping. We generally cannot ship to a PO Box. We use USPS Priority Mail, Smart Post (USPS), FedEx ground or UPS ground shipping. Larger orders may be shipped by a commercial carrier that generally require to set up a delivery appointment and sign for the shipment. If you are not able to use any one of these, please note it on your order. Not doing this may cause shipping delays. If your order is returned to us because it was undeliverable to the address that you supplied, we will charge a reshipping fee based on the original shipping cost (that was paid).
Due to difficulties in shipping products we have discontinued shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Canada. If you have your own shipper you can contact us and we will see if we can work with you on this.
Shipping Delays
Delivery dates are estimated. When ordering with an expected deadline or if time sensitive, we will do our best but cannot be held responsible for delays.
If temperatures are freezing or below freezing, then we will be unable to ship these products: ■ 163 RustStop Outdoor ■ 168 RustStop Indoor ■ 232 Vex Concentrate ■ 233 Wet-Sol® ■ 233G Wet-Sol® Gro ■ 235 Wet-Sol® 99 ■ 266 Citrol® ■ 266LV Citrol® Low VOC ■ 266C Citrol (California only) ■ 311 Synkool SS™ ■ 332 Turbo Red® Cleaner Concentrate ■ 350 Crete Crusher ■ 359 Shaker Slick ■ 411 Maxkool SS® ■ 412 Tap Shield ■ 414 Maxkool Ultra ■ 511 Ultrakool SS® ■ 611 Machine Kleen™ ■ 721 RustEnder ■ 738 Citrol® X ■ 739 Citrol® II ■ 4002 Bed Release ■ 4009 Super Slick. We will ship as soon as the weather allows.
Damaged or Missing Merchandise
Please thoroughly inspect your merchandise upon receipt. If there are damages to report, contact us within 3 business days from the date of delivery. We are not able replace damaged or missing products after this 3-day period.
Proof: Photos of contents must be provided within three days of delivery. Photos must be shown inside and out of original packaging along with notes stating the problem(s) and reason(s) why contents cannot be used for their intended purpose. Email photos and notes to
If we ship your order incorrect or incomplete we will reship the correct items at no additional cost to you. If your order is lost in transit or damaged beyond usability, we will reship replacement items at no cost to you. We may send you a prepaid shipping label to return the incorrect/damaged items and we will pay the return shipping costs. If the tracking for your order shows delivered by the shipper but you are unable to locate it, we will put a trace on it for you. You can also contact the shipper to resolve any issues. We cannot be held responsible for missing orders after they show proof of delivery.
Please understand that items can be stolen if left unattended!
Customer Responsibilities
Before purchasing please confirm you are ordering the correct item(s). On many products you are given choices. Choices for grease are NLGI numbers from lowest (thin) to highest (thick). Choices for oils are either for ISO or SAE numbers. It is very important to order the correct lubricant for each application according to the manufacturers specifications.
Best Of All - Our Policies Reflect Our Integrity
We value our customer relations and stand behind our service!